Categories: Administration
The main administrator has the ability to add users who will manage the office using LangLion Platform. He can also give them appropriate permissions. Permissions are granted depending on the duties that will be performed by the user.
Check which functionalities are available after assigning specific permissions:
Groups management
- creating groups,
- editing groups,
- archiving groups,
- copying groups and activating them,
- generating classes in groups,
- adding lessons to the class list and deleting them,
- editing lessons on the class list,
- creating contact groups,
- group’s calendar,
- conflict management in the group,
- deleting groups,
Students management
- adding, editing a student,
- editing of access and billing data,
- the ability to log in to the student’s account,
- the ability to log in to the student’s parent account,
- printing of access data,
- sending access data to the student’s email address,
- the possibility to display the password and login of the student and his/her parent,
- insight into the history of the student,
- removing the student
Teachers management
- adding a teacher,
- editing teacher’s data,
- sending access details to teachers,
- archiving teachers,
- assigning a teacher to classes,
- preparing a report of teachers’ working hours,
- sending messages to teachers
Users management
- adding users,
- removing users,
- the ability to view user’s login and password,
- managing permissions,
- editing and printing access data,
Classrooms management
- adding classrooms,
- editing classrooms details,
- removing classrooms,
- archiving classrooms,
- access to the Calendar tab,
- printing the calendars
- creating and editing tests
- sharing tests with groups and teachers
- removing tests
- access to the results of the tests
- adding, editing and removing transactions,
- issuing, editing and removing invoices
- issuing, editing and removing receipts
- cash document management
- adding, editing and removing goods and services
- settings of the „Finance” module
- managing the numbering
- debtors
- expenses
- using the system messages, e-mails and text messages options
- creating, editing and removing the documents templates and added documents like student’s contract, student’s certificate, other documents, contracts, contract’s bills, companies’ contracts
- access to the system settings and configuration
- basic settings,
- groups settings,
- forms
- class statuses
- attendance statuses
- notes
- classes details
- semesters
- evaluation settings
- communication
- management of registration forms,
- creating registration forms,
- access to registration settings.
- the possibility of entering days off and public holidays,
- introducing events,
- printing the list of holidays and days off.
- access to the field with news on the main page,
- creating news.
- management of classes, lesson subjects,
- the attendance of students,
- checking attendance,
- grades,
- displaying information about students, groups, classes, schedule,
- creating and sending messages,
- adding, removing lessons online,
- editing classes in groups,
- login history.
Advanced teacher’s work data
- the ability to prepare teachers settlements
Companies management
- adding companies to the LangLion Platform,
- assigning students to companies,
- assigning groups to companies,
- settlement of companies,
- archiving companies,
- editing, removing companies data
- adding items to the e-library,
- deleting items,
- creating signatures,
- renting and returning signatures,
- checking the reservations positions,
- preparing printout of held positions,
- the ability to print library cards,
- archiving items,
- the ability to configure e-library settings – adding publishers, item types, creating prefixes, setting the default number of days for booking items, as well as the number of digits in the prefix.
- creating new tests,
- editing tests
- removing tests,
- assigning labels to tests,
- sharing tests with teachers,
- access to test results,
- management of files uploaded to the Platform (adding, deleting, moving between folders, sharing with groups).
- preparing various types of reports, e.g. invoice report, cash register documents, student list etc.
- creating report templates.
Online payments
- managing the settings of online payments
Teachers’ rates
- adding teachers rates
- removing rates
- assigning rates to the teachers’ classes
Teachers’ access details
- editing teachers’ credentials
- sending the credentials to the teachers by email
- creating surveys,
- sharing surveys,
- survey editing,
- deleting surveys,
- access to survey results.
- access to billing and invoices for using the LangLion Platform
- management of reservations, transfers and accommodation of students
- adding, editing and deleting locations, insurance packages
- adding people to CRM, editing and removing people
- creating tasks
- adding notes on the timeline of students, companies and leads
E-learning and surveys
- applies to new packages in which surveys are part of the E-learning module (if you are not sure if you need such a package, please contact us)